Thursday, 31 January 2008

Stoke Dream #2

As our work in Stoke gathers pace, I've noticed that the place and its landscapes have started to occupy my dreams. I've had two of them now, the second last night and the first ten days ago. After the first one, I wondered if I should include these dreams on the blog or not, and whether it had any significance to the project. Now the second one has come, I think I should and have back-dated the first one on this blog to the date it appeared. What follows is last night's dream:

"I'm at a warehouse party in Stoke, overlooking a busy street filled with bars and cafes that wouldn't be out of place in New York's SoHo district. At the party, a sudden army of graffitti artists passes through the space we're in and head out in an impressive regimented silence. They ask us not to draw attention to them and from that, we allude they've been working on something outside, maybe on the exterior of the building we're in. Slightly drunk and keen to show my allegiance to them, I stand up and shout "we're with you" which is followed by an awkward silence. As they leave the building, someone shouts that they've been caught. We rush to the windows and see that police dressed in riot gear are raiding the cafe these artists have wandered into. Angry, we all head for the roof with tennis rackets and balls and start hitting the balls at the police as they bundle the artists into police vans."

Discarded paintbrushes found in a derelict area on the top floor of the Airspace factory last November.

As a documentary artist/photographer, can I consider this dream a valid document? Mishka


Andrew Martyn Sugars said...

by documenting your own dreams, are you bound as a documentary artist to document other dreams of other people.

Within a renewal program, what dreams are valid, anyway ?

Liz and Mishka said...

It's that aspect of the dreams I found interesting in the context of imagining a city and its future. A data bank of people's dreams in relation to Stoke would, I think, be a wonderful thing. Not the conscious dreams of an imagined future, but the role Stoke as a place occupies in people's unconscious imagination. If people were to share those dreams with us here then I think that would make a fascinating addition to our documentation.

Andrew Martyn Sugars said...

are you inviting playful contributions ?

Liz and Mishka said...

At this stage I would invite all contributions! I think though that if it were to work and be successful, it would have to have some measure of truth to it. By that I mean a genuine attempt to convey the visions or narrative that appeared in someone's dream.


Andrew Martyn Sugars said...

are you saying that you would only applaud truth being recorded here, if that truth is a recollection of a dream ?

Liz and Mishka said...

Yes- Of Course.
