Friday 9 November 2007

Andy, AirSpace

"They say that Stoke's fifteen years behind everywhere else. The pottery industries did keep going for a long time after industries in other cities died out. It's only in the last ten to fifteen years that the pottery industry's died. Some of the attitudes of people, it's a strange mindset in Stoke, especially with the five to six towns that are here. Everyone thinks their town is the best instead of working together. Hopefully one day it'll be better." Andy, Director of AirSpace Gallery

1 comment:

Andrew Martyn Sugars said...

playing catch up here.

"Everyone thinks their town is the best instead of working together. "
comment is a very powerful one. Suggesting local identity, to do with place.

If space is given to explore the other two, would it be possible to investigate the historical reasons for this basic territory behaviour and move forward in a more cohesive manner.